Blog Post solo life

Dalyan Summer Days

After a few days spent unpacking and settling into the new (to me) flat, I packed up Ziggy, Jinx, and myself, and relocated us to Dalyan for the rest of the summer holiday. Driving down with one cat was always noisy–but with two it was three hours of them calling back and forth to one another, and Jinx reaching her paw out trying her damndest to get hold of something, anything. Believe it or not,…

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solo life

My Own Best Company

Unexpected changes to plans left me entirely alone with myself yesterday. A cancellation and a postponement left me with a day of no requirements, no appointments, no nothing. Initially, it felt daunting. I had many things I wished to do (blog, read, edit a friend’s novel, cook, sort my clothes, go shopping for a new juicer, backup my computer, do laundry, etc, etc). Yes, the list of things TO DO grew to be long. And…

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